- Dr Cathryn Chadwick
- Dr Josh Hodgson
Date of Recording
February 22, 2024
Available Until
August 21, 2024
About this webinar
This webinar provides trainees with an essential recap of ARCP (annual review of competency progression) requirements for Progress+. Recorded in summer 2024, it included a live Q&A so delegates were able to submit questions to Dr Cathryn Chadwick and Dr Josh Hodgson, Trainee Rep for ePortfolio & Curriculum. While some questions relate to the transition over to Progress+ in 2024, the ARCP requirements that are discussed are still relevant for 2025.
We have compiled the questions which were submitted prior to and during the ARCP Webinar live Q&A, along with the responses from Dr Chadwick and Dr Hodgson and any useful links.
We have included all questions, and some may be repeated but the specific phrasing of the original question may better reflect your own query and provide you with an answer.
If you have a question that has not been answered by the webinar recording, the information below or by the linked documentation, please contact the team:
- For ARCP related queries, please contact qualityandtrainingprojects@rcpch.ac.uk
- For ePortfolio queries, please contact eportfolio@rcpch.ac.uk
Useful links
Assessment guide – Assessments table
For ST4 or ST5(C4) trainees moving to Progress+ Core – Guidance
General Paediatrics Specialty Syllabus
How to retrospectively tag an assessment to the previous curriculum key capabilities
Progress+ : How to tag an event to the curriculum
Paediatric training and capability-based progression
Paediatric sub-specialty training – application guidance
Progress+ – frequently asked questions
RCPCH Progress+ curriculum and syllabi
- For ARCP related queries, please contact qualityandtrainingprojects@rcpch.ac.uk
- For ePortfolio queries, please contact eportfolio@rcpch.ac.uk
Dr Cathryn Chadwick
VP for Training and Assessment
Cathryn is a General Paediatric Consultant at Northampton General Hospital where she has a neonatal interest. She graduated in medicine from Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School in 1987 and initially worked in London and the South East training as a GP. After moving to the Midlands, she qualified as a GP before stepping into paediatrics and completing paediatric training in the East Midlands and Oxford. She was appointed as a consultant in Northampton in 2004. Cathryn has enjoyed a career as a DGH paediatrician with particular interests in supporting breastfeeding and family integrated care alongside developing an interest in medical education. She was Head of School in East Midlands from 2016 to 2021. Away from her day job, Cathryn has been involved with the charity Dreamflight for over 20 years, leading a team to take children whose lives are limited by illness or disability on trip of a lifetime to Florida. Having had the privilege to work in primary, secondary and tertiary care settings during her career, Cathryn is excited by the opportunities in the new curriculum for trainees to develop capabilities to provide holistic, joined up care for children and young people.
Dr Josh Hodgson
Representative for ePortfolio & Curriculum
Paediatrician with interest in paediatric intensive care medicine, RCPCH TCE, Communications Lead, FMLM TSG.
Found an issue? Please get in touch with us:
Email us at rcpchlearning@rcpch.ac.uk