- Dr Camilla Kingdon
- Jonathan Bamber
Date of Recording
June 18, 2024
Available Until
June 17, 2025
Key messages:
Increasing evidence base shows kindness in healthcare improves patient outcomes and safety and also increases retention and job satisfaction.
Healthcare leadership is not only essential for sustainable and equitable healthcare improvement, but by engaging in quality improvement you can develop effective leadership skills.
Leadership for Improvement – Jonathan Bamber (PowerPoint presentation)
Cynefin Framework – David Snowden
RCPCH Member Survey 2024 – results highlights
Recommended reading
Inclusion on Purpose by Ruchika Tulshyan
Compassionate Leadership by Michael A. West
We would be very grateful for your feedback on this webinar – the survey should take no longer than 2 minutes to complete. Thank you.
RCPCH Leadership Hub
Welcome to the RCPCH Leadership Hub. A place to find resources and activities to support you through your own leadership journey of discovery and application.
Mentoring Skills
This highly interactive one-day course provides paediatricians with the core skills and knowledge to be an effective mentor.
Effective Educational Supervision
This online course meets the General Medical Council's requirements for educational supervisors. It explores the fundamentals of educational supervision and provides essential updates on the RCPCH Progress + Curriculum and RCPCH assessments.
We do not issue CPD certificates for webinars or podcasts, as we are unable to verify participation.
However, you are still able to record as a CPD activity as you normally would, detailing what you have learned and how the learning will benefit your practice.
When recording the activity, delegates should focus on the reflection and detail the following:
- What did you learn?
- What effect has/will the learning had/have on your current practice?
- What further learning or action, if any, is needed as a result of the original learning activity?
If you have any questions, please contact the CPD team
If you use the RCPCH CPD Diary, you can click here to visit the diary and record your learning: Log your learning on the RCPCH CPD Diary
Dr Camilla Kingdon
Consultant Paediatrician
Camilla graduated from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and trained in paediatrics in London. She has been a consultant neonatologist since 2000. She works at the Evelina London Children's Hospital and has sub-specialty interests in neonatal nutrition, donor milk banking and neurodevelopmental follow up of high risk neonates.
Jonathan Bamber
Head of Quality Improvement, RCPCH
Jonathan is the Head of Quality Improvement at the RCPCH. He is also a QI coach and qualitative researcher with over 15 years' experience of working on a range of programmes and research into what works (and doesn’t) in improving health for all. He has a keen interest in the role of leadership in improvement, built from managing the evaluation of Health Foundation leadership programmes (2007-11) and the development of their Improvement Fellowships in the 2010s. He worked on a range of national improvement Collaboratives since 2016, coaching improvement leaders of the future.
Found an issue? Please get in touch with us:
Email us at rcpchlearning@rcpch.ac.uk