We run short, free and accessible educational updates for health professionals on topics ranging from clinical conditions to service design
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RCPCH Webinar: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) – an update
In this webinar, Dr Elizabeth Whittaker, Dr Alison Kent and Dr Conall Watson will provide an update on respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), discussing the epidemiology of RSV, the maternal vaccination programme and what to expect this winter.
RCPCH Webinar: Upskilling child health professionals to talk about air pollution
In this webinar, we join the RCPCH’s Clean Air Fund Partnership team to explore the barriers to talking to children, young people and their families about air pollution, and to learn how clinicians can overcome them.
RCPCH Webinar: Whooping cough (pertussis) – an update
In this webinar, Professor Shamez Ladhani discusses the latest epidemic, vaccine uptake and modelling, and talk about some of the national cases; Professor Adam Finn discusses clinical features and the history of the vaccines used and Dr Adrian Humphry talks about the management of the critically ill child.
RCPCH Webinar: Your 2024 ARCP
This webinar provides trainees with an essential recap of ARCP (annual review of competency progression) requirements for Progress+. Recorded in summer 2024, it included a live Q&A so delegates were able to submit questions to Dr Cathryn Chadwick and Dr Josh Hodgson, Trainee Rep for ePortfolio & Curriculum. While some questions relate to the transition over to Progress+ in 2024, the ARCP requirements that are discussed are still relevant for 2025.
RCPCH-BPSU Rare Diseases Webinar: Juvenile-onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
In this webinar, Dr Hanna Lythgoe, Professor Michael Beresford, Dr Eve Smith and Sammy Ainsworth present an update on JSLE diagnosis, investigation and management; the impact of JSLE on patients; share results from the UK BPSU JSLE study and explain the role of LUPUS UK
RCPCH-BPSU series: Time to “Think Kawasaki Disease”
Professor Robert Tulloh and Professor Paul Brogan provide a comprehensive update on Kawasaki Disease, highlight how out-dated information is hampering best practice for affected children and present recent research findings (UK and Ireland) on incidence, including revealing data on lifetime heart damage.
RCPCH-BPSU Webinar series: Behcet’s Syndrome in children and young people
Dr Clare Pain, Dr Daniel Finn, Professor Robert Moots and Professor Paul Brogan present the findings of the 2017 BPSU surveillance study and discuss how UK children are affected by Behcet's syndrome, differential diagnoses and investigations of Behcet's-like presentations, management of Behcet's syndrome, and the role of genetic testing and monogenic mimics.
RCPCH-BPSU webinar series: CATCh-uS before we fall -Transitional care for young adults with ADHD
Tamsin Ford, Tamsin Newlove-Delgado and Astrid Janssenss present the results of the first in-depth study of the transition of ADHD patients from child to adult health services in the UK.
RCPCH-BPSU webinar series: Lead Toxicity in Children – a continuing problem
Professor Alan Emond, Dr Helen Crabbe, Dr Araceli Busby and Professor Sally Bradberry present updated guidance for recognising and treating lead toxicity in children.